Adjectival Phrases | Definition, Functions & Examples

Adjectival Phrases

Adjectives describe or modify the noun, but sometimes a single word isn’t enough to capture the complexity of what we’re trying to convey. That’s where adjectival phrases come in. An adjectival phrase is a group of words that function together to describe or modify a noun or pronoun in more detail. Understanding how to use adjectival phrases effectively is crucial for clear and concise communication. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about adjectival phrases like, what they are, how they function in a sentence, and examples of how to use them effectively. So let’s get started!

What is an Adjectival phrase?

An adjectival phrase is a group of words that functions as an adjective to modify or describe a noun or pronoun in a sentence. It typically includes an adjective along with any modifiers or complements that provide additional information about the noun or pronoun. The purpose of an adjectival phrase is to give more details, add description, or convey specific qualities about the noun it is modifying.

In these examples, “red,” “made of silver,” and “curly hair” are adjectival phrases providing more information about the nouns “car,” “necklace,” and “girl” respectively.

Types of Adjectival Phrases

Adjectival phrases come in various forms, each serving a specific purpose in adding detail to our language. Let’s explore some common types:

  1. Single-word Adjectival Phrases:
  2. Compound Adjectival Phrases:
  3. Prepositional Adjectival Phrases:
  4. Participial Adjectival Phrases:

How to Use and Identify Adjectival Phrases?

Here are some basic rules for using and identifying adjectival phrases appropriately, along with example sentences:

Identifying Adjectival Phrases:

Structure of an Adjectival Phrase:

Adjective + Adverb

Example: A highly skilled musician

Adjective + Prepositional Phrase

Example: The book on the top shelf is my favorite.

Adjective + Relative Clause

For example: The car that is parked in front of the house is red.

Adjective + Participle Phrase

Example: The child playing in the park looks happy.

Adjective + Prepositional Phrase + Participial Phrase

Example: The house with the white picket fence, shining in the sun.

Rules for Using Adjectival Phrases

Here are some basic rules for using adjectival phrases with example sentences:

Adjectival phrases vs Adjectival clauses

An adjectival phrase is a group of words that functions as an adjective to modify a noun, providing additional information about it. It lacks a subject and a verb, and it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. For example: “The book with the red cover is mine.” In contrast, an adjectival clause is a group of words that also functions as an adjective to modify a noun, but it includes a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a complete sentence. Adjectival phrases modify nouns without containing a subject-verb relationship, while adjectival clauses do contain a subject-verb relationship and can function independently as sentences. For example: “The book that I read yesterday was captivating.”

List of Common Adjectival Phrases

Adjectival Phrases Examples

Adjectival Phrases Exercises

Q1. Which of the following is not an adjectival phrase?

  1. “In the dark”
  2. “With a smile”
  3. “Running quickly”

Q2. Choose the sentence with the correct adjectival phrase.

  1. The cat with a long tail.
  2. The cat was chasing.
  3. The cat and the dog played.

Q3. Identify the adjectival phrase in the sentence: “She lives in a house with a red door.”

  1. Lives in a house
  2. With a red door
  3. She lives

Q4. Which sentence contains an essential adjectival phrase?

  1. The book, which had an intriguing cover, caught my attention.
  2. The book that was on the shelf was dusty.
  3. The book with many illustrations was popular.

Q5. Choose the option with the adjectival phrase:

  1. Ran quickly
  2. Bright blue sky
  3. Sat quietly

Q6. Which sentence includes a non-essential adjectival phrase?

  1. The car that was parked outside belongs to John.
  2. The car with the leather seats is mine.
  3. The car drives smoothly.

Q7. Choose the sentence with the correct adjectival phrase.

  1. The mountain reached the clouds.
  2. The mountain is covered in snow.
  3. The mountain and the valley.

Q8. Which sentence contains an adjectival clause?

  1. The tree with the colorful leaves is a maple.
  2. The tree stood tall and proud.
  3. The tree under the window is an oak.

Q9. Identify the adjectival phrase in the sentence: “He bought a car with a powerful engine.”

  1. He bought a car
  2. With a powerful engine
  3. Powerful engine

Q10. Which sentence includes an adjectival phrase at the beginning?

  1. The movie I watched last night was great.
  2. I watched a movie about superheroes.
  3. I watched a movie and ate popcorn.


  1. c) Running quickly
  2. c) the cat with a long tail.
  3. b) with a red door
  4. b) The book that was on the shelf was dusty.
  5. b) Bright blue sky
  6. b) The car with the leather seats is mine.
  7. b) The Mountain is covered in snow.
  8. a) the tree with the colorful leaves is a maple.
  9. b) With a powerful engine
  10. a) the movie I watched last night was great.


Q1: What is an adjectival phrase?

An adjectival phrase is a group of words that functions as an adjective to describe or modify a noun or pronoun in a sentence. It provides additional information about the noun or pronoun.

Q2: What is the purpose of using adjectival phrases?

Adjectival phrases provide more details and vivid descriptions of nouns, helping to paint a clearer picture in the reader’s mind. They make sentences more interesting and engaging by adding depth to the noun being modified.

Q3: Can adjectival phrases contain multiple words?

Yes, They can range from just an adjective to a group of words that provide a more detailed description of the noun. These words can include adverbs, prepositional phrases, and even multiple adjectives.

Q4: What’s the main difference between an adjectival phrase and an adjectival clause?

An adjectival phrase is a group of words acting as an adjective, modifying a noun; it doesn’t contain a subject and verb. An adjectival clause is a group of words also acting as an adjective, containing a subject and verb; it functions as a complete sentence within a sentence.

Q5: Give example sentences of adjectival phrases.

Here are some example sentences of adjectival phrases:

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