Top 5 City Branding Case Studies and Examples To Learn From: How They Do It

Top 5 city branding case studies and examples

City branding case studies and examples are among the most popular articles published by The Place Brand Observer – which is hardly surprising considering the growing competition between cities around the world for talent, investors, visitors and students. Alas, developing a feasible place brand strategy for cities, neighborhoods or urban regions isn’t easy.

The purpose of our collection of place branding case studies is to help those in charge of destination marketing, economic development or city competitiveness by offering best practice examples to follow and to learn from.

Top 5 City Branding Case Studies & Examples

Five city branding case studies and examples worth checking out:

Hamburg city marketing branding exampleHow Hamburg moved from traditional destination marketing to strategic city branding

How Hamburg moved from traditional destination marketing to strategic city branding. Thorsten Kausch reflects on the challenges and lessons learned.

Edmonton cityHow Edmonton in Canada uses storytelling to attract talent

In this case study on city branding, learn about the award-winning storytelling and city brand development approach of the city of Edmonton in Canada.

City branding case study MississaugaHow to develop a city brand strategy: example Mississauga

In this city branding case study by David Ferreira, Jeannette Hanna and Malcolm Allan we visit the Canadian city of Mississauga. A compelling example of how a city brand can strengthen a place and rally its stakeholders around a common vision.

ONLYLYON city branding case studyBranding a city region: case study ONLYLYON, France

City branding case study – example Lyon, France. Learn about city brand development and management by ONLYLYON: its mission, approach, challenges and successes.

London Bridge place brand identity - marketing collateralCase study on the brand positioning of London Bridge district

London Bridge is an intriguing case study written by Malcolm Allan of UK-based place brand strategy consultancy PlaceMatters, and Donald Campbell, Place Marketing Manager of Team London Bridge.

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